any display

If It’s Got a Screen, You Can Haunt It!


Having a big Halloween party? Play your Fright Effects on your TV for an extra, mess-free decoration.

If you want to add them to your Haunt, a little set decoration can provide a way to mask that non-scary TV and make your Effect stand out.


Frame it

Flip your TV on it’s side and add a snazzy picture frame that fits your television. You could also make an elegant frame out of craft store foam and a little paint. After Halloween, slap your homemade frame on your picture at Aunt Lois. She’ll be impressed at your creativity.

Set it Aflame

A fireplace is a fantastic place to stash an Effect that no one will see coming. Just make sure you take the set out before you need some warmth.

Leave it Be

We’ve got some Effects that can make your regular TV and make it haunted. Don’t think a television can be scary? Go back and watch Poltergeist, or put on an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians.  Truly terrifying.